Tag: theater

Worst Blogger Ever!

Yup, that is definitely me. I keep meaning to write a new post, but something always comes up to distract me (to be fair, it is often my three year-old pitt-lab mix, and she is pretty adorable). Anyway, I am sitting at the car dealership right now, and supposed to

And… breathe!

Just back from almost three weeks in the motherland. A fun, but exhausting trip that involved seeing two grandparents, three parents (yes, that’s right), four siblings, three nieces and two nephews, in addition to visiting six universities for my older child, going on a walk with a herd of alpacas

Busy, busy, busy!

It’s been a crazy few months: two indie film shoots, one trailer, one play (12 performances) and I just completed a week of rehearsal/workshop for a new play that is being developed. There is a work-in-progress showing coming soon in NYC – I will post details here!

Play Time!

Just received confirmation that I will be working on a new play workshop in April and doing the showcase in May – so exciting!

Here comes 2022!

Six roles, three plays, two shows, one workshop, one short film and one pilot… 2022 is off to a hectic start!

One-Acts, Two Roles

After a couple of months dominated by non-acting work, I am thrilled to announce that I have been cast in two different one-act plays as part of Ridgefield Theater Barn’s “An Evening of One Acts”. The show runs from March 11th to April 2nd and consists of seven distinct one-act

Opening Night

Dial A for Agatha opens tomorrow evening (2/25/20) and has two additional performances (2/28/20 & 2/29/20) this week. The play is being presented as part of the New York Theater Festival’s Winterfest at the Hudson Guild Theater. I can’t wait to get Chief Inspector Carlton Mandrake in front of an


With four rehearsals down, and three to go, the play is really starting to take shape. Our two co-directors – David Toth and Greta Bowers – are doing a great job of shepherding the large cast though this 90-minute production, and teasing out every possible comedic and dramatic moment. I

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